HE courses

Ethology and Ethics M23519 2024-25

Course categoryAnimal/Zoo Year 2

This classroom is linked to the Ethology and ethics module. In it you will find assignment briefs, PowerPoints and other resources we feel could be useful.

BSc Zoo Biology Home Page 2024-2025

Course categoryBSc Applied Animal Science/Zoo Biology (level 6)

BSc Zoo Biology

BSc Applied Animal Science Year 3 24-25

Course categoryBSc Applied Animal Science/Zoo Biology (level 6)

BSc Applied Animal Science Year 3 Tutorial Page

AZAB (2024-25)

Course categoryBSc Applied Animal Science/Zoo Biology (level 6)

Further Stats (Animal /Equine Students) 2024-25

Course categoryBSc Applied Animal Science/Zoo Biology (level 6)

This is the module page for Animal and Equine Further Statistics (M30992).  Here you will find all resources from the lectures and additional material that may be of use to you.